Lanier Volleyball Fundraisers
Lanier Volleyball Club is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Donations & portions of most fundraisers are eligible for tax deductions.
Honey Baked Ham - Gift Cards
When: 11/14/23-12/23/23
What: Sell Honey Baked Ham gift cards!
Earn: 20% of the value of the gift cards sold.
- Give out the link to purchase Honey Baked Ham Gift Cards –
- Individuals/Corporations purchasing Gift Cards should indicate the name of the athlete they are supporting.
- E-Gift cards are will be delivered via email. Honey Baked Ham gives the option of a mailed physical card at time of check out.
Other Items: Use this flyer to promote if you wish. Be sure to give out the link as well.

Banner Advertisement
When: Ongoing
What: Sell a 3’ x 4’ Banner with a company logo that hangs in our Westminster Gym, Gainesville location for $250. Company logo will also be placed on the Lanier Volleyball Club website.
Earn: $125 towards your player fees for each banner sold
How: Give out this link to the company to purchase the banner & participating in this fundraiser!
Other Items: in a year, our Westminster Gym location averages foot traffic of over 2500 people throughout the year. Our website gathers over 35,000 views per year. $75 of the $250 goes towards Lanier’s Scholarship Fund and is tax-deductible to the company.

Coming Soon!! Raffle Baskets
Details: TBA
Are you interested in making a tax-deductable donation to Lanier Volleyball Club?
For more information or if you have questions, email Bill Bush at